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Neato stuff I found.
Matthew Butterick's Practical Typography↗
The best guide to improving any and all documentation you do

AIGA Eye On Design Magazine↗
Online design journal covering a side range of topics
last article posted December 2022 :-(

Future Fonts↗
Cool fonts you can invest in as a work in progress for lower rates

Public Sans↗
Paid for by tax dollars, may as well get it

Atkinson Hyperlegible↗
A free, high quality sanserif font from the Braille Institute that helps with low vision reading

Open Foundry↗
Curated open source font list. Mostly sanserif, but high quality

Sarah Bell Maps↗
A very talented cartographer and designer, Sarah has also released her own sanserif font insrpired by USGS maps, free to use

Generate a city road map↗
A GitHub project by Andrei Kashcha (anvaka)

Type reviews. Not updated frequently

The League of Moveable Type↗
Open Source, free to use, fairly high quality fonts

List of public signage typefaces↗
A list from Wikipedia. Just interesting to me. Most of these fonts aren't easily available, but cool nonetheless