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published 2024-09-12

I enjoy making pizza. I do not have the space for a pizza stone, pizza steel, a pizza oven, tossing, rolling, or messy countertops
You can make delicious pizza at home. These will not be über thin new york margarita pizzas, but they get the job done and have excellent texture and flavor.

Sheet Pan Pizza

Best for dinner parties, or if you just want more pizza.
Can be referred to as "grandma" or "sicilian" style.

I was inpired to pursue the sheet pan style pizza after going to Pie Punks in San Francisco (excellent food, strong drinks, and cool atmosphere)

Serious Eats Sicilian Pizza↗
I follow their instructions exactly (I consult Serious Eats for most dishes and techniques. It is a fantastic resource with clear explanations of testing and results)
Here's a quick breakdown of their measurements I scaled down for different pan sizes. The eighth sheets are great if there's a guest with a dietary exception.

all units are in grams
half sheet eighth sheet
×1 ×2 ×4
bread flour 500 185 370 740
salt 14 5.3 10.5 21
yeast 6 2 4 9
oil 20 7 15 30
water 325 120 240 480

I make the dough about three days in advance if I can. Do a cold rise in the fridge, then take it out the morning of. Place in a well oiled sheet pan, then cover with plastic wrap as descriped in the guide. Allowing it to come to room temperature will allow you to easily stretch over the pan.

To make the sauce:

Sauce > mozz > pepperoni. Top with peconino romano

Favorite toppings other than sauce/cheese/pepperoni:

Jalapeño Popper
Mix: cream cheese (2 blocks per half sheet), cheddar cheese, bacon, bacon fat, chopped jalapeño, garlic powder

Spoon small chunks evenly over dough, then add:

Rosemary Potato
Cube one big chunk of Fontina cheese
Simmer garlic, rosemary, red pepper flakes in a few tables spoons olive oil
Slice Yukon Gold potatoes (I used my 3 setting on the mandolin) into cold water. rinse out starch and then lay out to dry on towels.
Spread fontina evenly, then drizzle oil throughout.
lay potatoes flat and evenly, covering surface.
top with thinly sliced shallot, rosemary branches. bake, add grated parmesean a minute before finishing.

Pickle Pizza

Cast Iron Pizza

Best for single or a couple, wouldn't reccomend for more than two people.
Get a Lodge cast iron pan if you don't have one.**
It is a workhorse, and will outlive you.
Take what you like from the following videos
Adam Ragusea - Cast Iron Pizza↗
Adam Ragusea - New York-style pizza at home, v2.0↗
Core cooking techniques should stay the same:
stovetop on
assemble while cooking bottom till golden/brown
put toppings all the way to the edge
in oven, broiler till crispy on top


*pizza is in a wierd spot between baking and cooking. I have heard many people claim that they are bad at baking, I think the real reason is that they are bad at following directions. Baking is a science. Measure out everything when you're making the dough.
Use a scale. The difference between table salt and kosher salt will make you appreciate measuring weight vs volume very quickly.

**Do not let nerds on the internet or your grandmother scare you when they describe their maintenance for cast iron. You can use soap and a sponge to clean it after use. The old advice of not using soap came from when lye was a main ingredient. Real seasoning is polymerized oil, you scraping the he cooked foodstuffs and cleaning with some Dawn will not "ruin the seasoning". Just don't put it through the dishwasher.