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published 2024-12-08

I wanted to catalogue my reivews of various oysters. Usually I have no idea what to order, and I just ask for the works.

I frequent Ironside Fish & Oyster in San Diego, CA. For rating purposes, most below were eaten straight, but I normally don't stray away from some mignonette sauce, horseradish, or hot sauce.

Oyster Ratings

Name Location Rating
Ironside Selects Henderson Bay, WA medium size - very briny and salty - medium flavor
Laguna Vizcaino Bay, Baja Mexico very salty and briny - too salty
Jade* Sequim Bay, WA HUGE - briny but not salty - quite good
Duxbury Duxbury, MA tiny, little, sweet, tasty
Oishi** Skagit Bay, WA smooth and cool. light cucumber, excellent
Blue Point Norwalk Islands, CT briny and smooth, not too salty
Kumamoto Taylor Shellfish Farms, WA rich, balanced. very good but not sure if worth the $5.55 each
Fat Bastard Willapa Bay, WA juicy, tender, true to name
Glacier Bay New Brunswick, CAN briny, neutral

List of Oysters
list of oysters consumed on 12-07-2024
How to Schuck an oyster
a postcard given out by Ironside

The horse stood darkly against the sky. The surf boomed in the dark and the sea's black hide heaved in the cobbled starlight and the long pale combers loped out of the night and broke along the beach.
He rose and turned toward the lights of the town.
The tide-pools bright as smelterpots among the dark rocks where the phosphorescent seacrabs clambered back. Passing through the salt grass he looked back. The horse had not moved.
A ship's light winked in the swells. The colt stood against the horse with its head down and the horse was watching, out there past men's knowing, where the stars are drowning and whales ferry their vast souls through the black and seamless sea.
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian